Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

What is COPD?

Symptoms of COPD

Making a diagnosis

The respiratory team roles


Peak flow

COPD frequently asked questions

Annual medical review

A practical guide to inhalers (COPD)


Vaccinations for people with COPD

Pulmonary rehabilitation

How to clear your chest with breathing techniques


Oxygen therapy

Signs of infection or exacerbation and what to do

Recovering from an exacerbation

Self management and how can it help you?

What makes you breathless?

Physical activity and exercise

Stress urinary incontinence and COPD

Pacing and overcoming fatigue

Help to stop smoking

Your mood and anxiety

COPD and relaxation

Relationships and asking for the help you need (COPD)

Tips for daily living

Healthy eating for people with COPD

Work and COPD

Holidays and travel

Planning your future care

Anticipatory care plans and end of life care

Adults with Asthma

What is asthma?

Causes of asthma

Asthma in the older person

Asthma in young people and teenagers

Occupational and work aggravated asthma

Do I have asthma? Getting a diagnosis

Peak Flow (Asthma)

Spirometry (Asthma)

Hospital tests

Healthcare teams

Difficult to control asthma

Asthma and pregnancy

Your asthma action plan

A practical guide to inhalers (Asthma)

Medications (Adult asthma)

Vaccinations for adults with asthma

Breathing techniques and relaxation for asthma

Self management and how can it help you? (Adult Asthma)

Exercise, sport and asthma

Asthma, pacing and overcoming fatigue

Sleep and asthma (adult)

Tips for daily living (Asthma)

Healthy eating (Asthma)

Asthma, your mood and anxiety

Asthma and pets (adult)

Work and asthma

Relationships and asking for the help you need

Holidays and travel (Asthma)

Help to stop smoking (Asthma)

Parents of children with Asthma

A parents guide to asthma

Has my child got asthma?

Wheeze and your child

Hospital and community teams

Asthma action plans: how to get one!

Breathlessness in children

Warning signs of an asthma attack

A practical guide to inhalers

How to hold a small child to give an inhaler

Medication for my childs asthma

Vaccinations for children with asthma

Asthma in schools

How parents can help an anxious child

Exercise and sport for children with asthma

Sleep and asthma

What to expect of your child at different ages

Asthma and pets

Teenagers and transition to adult asthma care

Your teenagers asthma

Smoking and risky behaviour

How your child’s asthma affects you and the rest of your family

Asthma, holidays and travel