Making a diagnosis

7) Check before you leave

  • What happens next?
  • Do you need any follow up appointments?
  • How will you get results of tests?
  • Who do you ask if you don’t understand what test results mean?
  • Make sure you are clear about any instructions you have been given, especially if you have a change of medicine.
  • If you don’t understand, ask the specialist to explain again. If necessary ask them to write down instructions or name of new medicines for you.
  • Check your list of questions to make sure you have not forgotten to ask anything which is important to you.
  • If you have been struggling with daily tasks, ask what help is available and how you can get extra help. The specialist or your GP may be able to make referrals for you.
You have reached the end of this topic on Making a diagnosis. What do you want to do next?


    Q1. Has the My Lungs my Life site helped you self manage your condition?

    Q2. Would you use the My Lungs My life site again?

    Q3. Would you recommend the My Lungs My Life site to others?

    Q4. Do you have COPD?

    Q5. Are you a healthcare professional?

    Q6. How would you rate this section? (1 = poor, 5 = excellent)