Asthma, pacing and overcoming fatigue

10) Goal setting

Goal setting is a way to focus on what is important to you and a way to make a change for the better. Start with a simple goal or two for example an exercise goal could be to aim to walk to your local shop and back.

A step ladder to success! Think SMART

  • Specific – what, when, how often, where.
  • Measurable – how can you measure if you are improving?
  • Achievable – something that is important to you and that you can realistically imagine yourself achieving.
  • Realistic – set a target which can be adapted after you get to each new step.
  • Time Frame – plan and set a time to reach your goal.


I will walk halfway to the shop and back everyday for three days a week. I will take a two minute rest before coming back. I will note how long it takes me in my diary. If I feel OK I will go a little further for the next three times. I will try to take an extra walk by the end of the month. Once I can do this I will reset my goal.