Medications (Adult asthma)

6) Relievers – long acting – inhalers

Long-acting bronchodilators should only be taken along with inhaled corticosteroids – this is usually done as part of a combination inhaler but can be given as a separate inhaler as long as you are also taking the inhaled corticosteroid regularly.

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Medicine name Device How its taken Side effects
Salmeterol (Serevent®) Metred dose inhaler, Accuhaler, Easyhaler Work on the lung tissue to relax it and open up the airways. Work for a long time so they are usually taken once or twice a day. Common side effects include: shakiness, headaches and palpitations. If you experience symptoms that suggest an allergic reaction seek medical advice as soon as possible. Information on other side-effects can be found in the Patient Information Leaflet in the pack or through the electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC) website.

These side effects are short lasting and common. They are not a reason to stop taking the inhaler. Most people tolerate these mild side effects. If you are in any doubt contact your GP or asthma team.Formoterol (Atimos®, Foradil®)Metred dose inhaler, Turbohaler, Aerolizer

Please note:

These are the most commonly used inhalers at the time of publication of this website. If you do not see your inhaler you can speak to your GP or pharmacist or check the patient information leaflet for your inhaler and medication.