A practical guide to inhalers

19) Spiromax®

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Hello my name is Liz and I am going to show you how to use your inhaler (Spiromax).
The information I am going to give you is a quick guide. You should keep and read the instruction leaflet which comes with your inhaler.
First I am going to show you a few important points about your inhaler. Then I will talk you through how to use it. Then I will show you how to use it. At the end I will talk about how you clean and store your inhaler, how you know when it is empty and when to reorder another.
What to do if you take too much or miss a dose. What to do if going to the hospital or clinic.
It is important to take your inhalers regularly.
Some inhalers are given to prevent flare ups and can take days or more to work.
When you get a new inhaler, check the expiry date on the inhaler and if expired take it back to the pharmacist.
The inhaler has a dust cap. It is quite important that this stays closed when your inhaler is not in use.
When you open the dust cap the inhaler will click, that is normal. This will reveal air vents. You should make sure not to cover these. On the back there is a dose counter.
Now I will talk you through how to use the inhaler and then I will show you.
To use the inhaler, open the dust cap fully. You will hear the click.
Breathe out but not into the device. Put your lips around the mouthpiece and breathe in hard and fast and hold for around five to ten seconds.
Now I will show you from start to finish. Open the dust cap until you hear the click. Breathe out but not in to the device. As you seal the mouthpiece with your lips breathe in hard and fast then hold your breath for a count of five to ten seconds before you breathe out slowly.
After you have used your inhaler, wipe the mouthpiece with a clean dry tissue. Close the dust cap.
It is really important that you brush your teeth and rinse your mouth to prevent voice hoarseness and mild mouth infections.
It is really important that when you use this inhaler you do not fiddle with the dust cap, opening and closing it. If you do this the dose counter will reduce, but do not worry, you will not receive an additional dose.
You should store your inhaler away from direct sunlight, frost or moisture. You should keep it somewhere that you will remember to take it.
If you forget to take your inhaler then take it if you remember within an hour or two. If it is longer than this miss a dose and get on track with the next dose.
If you take too much of your inhaler then contact a health professional for advice.
You will know when you need another inhaler. The dose counter counts down from 120 downwards. When it gets to 20, the numbers go red and you will know to put in a repeat prescription. Do not over order inhalers as drugs can expire.
If you are going to the hospital or clinic take your inhalers with you along with a repeat prescription.
You have reached the end of this topic on A practical guide to inhalers. What do you want to do next?


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