Asthma in schools

5) Role of the family


It is your responsibility to make sure the school is fully aware of your child’s condition and they have the necessary medication at school.

  • It is your responsibility to make sure medication is in school, fully labelled and still within use by date. Make sure you have signed the appropriate form to enable the medicine to be given by school staff.
  • When your child is old enough (usually around primary 4 or age 9) and you feel they are able and can be encouraged to carry their own inhaler. Check with your school first – different schools have different rules on this! It is essential a spare inhaler is available in school for emergency use should your child lose their inhaler or leave it behind.
  • Remember that if your child attends after school care or clubs they should also be aware of your child’s asthma needs and have access to the inhalers your child may need.
  • Emergency contact details should be kept up to date.

If you have concerns regarding your child’s asthma in school talk to the head teacher, they have ultimate responsibility for children with medical conditions in school. The school can only manage a problem if they know it’s there in the first place!!