Anticipatory care plans and end of life care

4) Making choices – medical decisions

 Description: A mature woman patient consulting a GP in the surgery consulting room.

© Crown Copyright 2009

  • What treatment would you want?
  • What treatment would you not want?
      The most important medical and nursing care at the end of your life which you may want to discuss are :

    • Symptom relief. To relieve your symptoms and to keep you comfortable.
    • Pain relief. If needed, this will reduce your pain, reduce agitation and keep you comfortable. Medicines can be used which do not cause drowsiness. In the later stages you may be given morphine or other sedative drugs.

Importantly by using an anticipatory care plan, you have choices about what care you want. You can change your mind at any time.

You should discuss your decisions with your health care team and your family then write down your wishes. Keep spare copies, give some to close family and give one to your GP.