Anticipatory care plans and end of life care

10) Psychological needs

A young adult woman showing signs of distress

© Crown copyright 2009

Communication with you and your loved ones is crucial.

You may feel a wide range of different emotions such as anger, sadness, worry about what is to come, concern for your family or a feeling of being contented and at peace. We all have different ways of coping in life and at the end of our lives this is no different.

Where do you get support at times of stress? What kinds of support have you found useful in the past?
Do you prefer to have lots of medical information or do you prefer to only know the necessary information? If it helps, your medical team can try to answer any questions you may have. There are medical treatments which can help you to be more comfortable e.g. medicines to help manage symptoms of anxiety and allow you to feel calmer.

Do you need someone to speak with you in confidence?

Can your family or friends help? It can be useful to speak with others such as family, friends, healthcare professionals or spiritual supports about what is happening for you? Or to speak about anything else as a distraction? Let others know how best to support you.

Does your family need support?