Healthy eating for people with COPD

1) Why do we need food?

Why do you need food?

  • Food is converted by oxygen into energy for your body, A waste product of this process is carbon dioxide which you then breathe out. People with COPD can find breathing out harder to do. If carbon dioxide builds up in your body it can make you feel weaker.
  • A good balanced diet helps maintain your strength and fitness and promote a healthy immune system as well as helps you fight their severity if you do get an exacerbation.

Why do you need energy?

  • For any activity, including breathing, even at rest.
  • Someone with COPD tends to need more energy for efficient breathing and for helping prevent recurrent chest infections.
  • Breathing requires more energy for people with COPD.

Why is food and your diet important if you have COPD?

  • If you are overweight your heart and lungs have to work harder to supply oxygen to your body so keeping a steady weight can be important.
  • A good balanced diet helps maintain your strength and fitness and may help to reduce the risk of chest infections and the severity of any exacerbations.

Diagram showing food and oxygen entering body, and carbon dioxide and energy being generated