Pacing and overcoming fatigue

3) If we don’t pace what happens?

Words you might use: Words healthcare professionals use:
  • I am exhausted
  • Get really breathless
  • Not worth anything later in the day
  • I panic… Get worried about how breathless I am
  • Fed up and frustrated
  • Annoyed, on edge
  • I stay away from / stop trying to do the thing that makes me breathless
  • Fatigue
  • Increased breathlessness or dyspnoea
  • Variable fatigue
  • Anxiety / panic / stress / worry
  • Impacts on mood, motivation and interests
  • Irritable
  • Disrupts daily plans and routines

Not pacing can lead you to believe your condition is worse than it actually is. Part of pacing is accepting going at a slower pace. Build up gradually while being in control of your breathing and activity level.

For more information on managing fatigue see page 35 :

Moving on Together (MoT): A self-management workbook by NHS Ayrshire & Arran.