Planning your future care

4) Time to think and find out more

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You may just want to start with practical but important things like making a will or thinking about and discussing your wishes with those closest to you.

  • You do not have to plan everything in one go. You can do it step by step over a period of time.
  • You can change your mind and wishes, about what you want, at any time.
  • What would you ideally want to happen if you were seriously ill?

It is important to record your decisions and wishes. Think about who you need to contact in the family and your GP. You can get advice from your healthcare team.

Recording your thoughts and wishes about your future care can be done formally as an Anticipatory Care Plan. This is a document which you discuss with your healthcare team and your family. By having an anticipatory care plan you are making your choices and your preferences about any future treatment known in advance. Your anticipatory care plan can change if you change your mind about any aspect of care you want or do not want.