Asthma in young people and teenagers

2) Life changes

Group of teenagers

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From teenage years to your twenties your life changes significantly. You may have exams, leave school, start work, be unable to find work, start new relationships, become pregnant, travel or move away from home. All of these situations are different some stressful others exciting but all are made easier if your asthma is being well controlled.

You don’t want to miss out but you may be embarrassed to take your inhalers when you are with your friends or when you meet new people. If you forget to take your inhalers you could be putting yourself at risk of an asthma attack. You don’t want to be “fussed over” or attract unwanted attention to your asthma.

This can also be a time when you start taking more risks which could affect your asthma control. Drinking alcohol, smoking, taking drugs, an unhealthy diet, not getting enough sleep.