Medications (Adult asthma)

9) Preventers – tablets

Preventer tablets block the effects of substances (called leukotrienes) which can cause tightening of the airways.

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Medicine name How its taken Device Side effects
Montelukast (Singulair®)
  • Used regularly as preventive medication
  • Taken as tablets and usually added in to inhaler treatment if asthma symptoms are not controlled
Tablets, chewable tablets and granules
  • All medicines have side-effects
  • Common ones include stomach pains and headaches
  • If you experience symptoms that suggest an allergic reaction seek medical advice as soon as possible
  • Information on other side-effects can be found in the Patient Information Leaflet in the pack or through the following electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC) website
Zafirlukast (Accolate®) Preventer – taken regularly every morning and evening. Only used for children over 12. Tablets

Please note:

These are the most commonly used tablets at the time of publication of this website. If you do not see your tablets you can speak to your GP or pharmacist or check the patient information leaflet for your medication.