Teenagers and transition to adult asthma care

5) How do I get my child ready for transition?

Teenage girl talking to a health clinic receptionist

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  • The children’s doctor and nurse will help you and your child get ready for transition clinic. This way of working is recommended in the British Thoracic Society / Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) guideline 153: British Guideline on Management of Asthma [pdf].
  • They will help them to learn about their asthma and triggers.
  • They will help them learn about the medicines and inhalers that they take.
  • You and your child can ask any questions you have about their asthma.
  • Your child can go into part of the clinic by themselves to increase confidence. Your healthcare team should give young people the opportunity to be seen alone from 12 years old.
  • Teenagers usually still need their parents to help them arrange their appointment, get them there and help arrange their prescriptions.