Warning signs of an asthma attack

4) Late warning signs - time to get help

Child in bed coughing

Child in bed coughing

Not every child will have all of these symptoms. If you notice any of them you should seek help right away:

  • Disturbed sleep due to symptoms.
  • Troublesome cough.
  • Coughing spasms.
  • Cough until they gag or vomit.
  • A wheeze which can clearly be heard.
  • Tummy or ribs visibly sucking in when breathing.
  • Lethargic / sleepy / can’t be bothered.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Getting out of breath easily.
  • Wheezy / noisy breathing.
  • Breathing faster than normal.
  • Chest starts to get tight or hurts.
  • Struggling to speak in sentences due to breathlessness.