Oxygen therapy

6) What can I expect from my health care team?

Respiratory nurse administering oxygen to a female patient

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  • Once you start home oxygen, you will be seen once a year by the team to review how you’re getting on with it. This may include: a discussion about your symptoms, an examination and a discussion focused on how you are feeling.
  • A medication review including inhaler technique (for more information see our section on: A practical guide to inhalers).
  • Pulse oximetry to check your oxygen levels.
  • A blood test to check your oxygen levels.
  • A review of the oxygen flow rate prescribed.
  • A check of the oxygen equipment you are using.
  • A check of the hours of oxygen you are using each day.
  • A Spirometry test.
  • A discussion about smoking status including passive smoking (if appropriate).
  • A check to see if your vaccinations are up to date.
  • A discussion about anticipatory care planning (about your future health care wishes and choices if your condition worsens). This can include resuscitation.  A record of the discussion will be made, for more information please see our section on anticipatory care plans and end of life care.