Relationships and asking for the help you need (COPD)

1) Where do you get help and support?

This picture shows all the people, services and important signposts to support your self management. Think about yourself driving or walking along the road and all of these signs that you might see. It may surprise you to see just how much support there is when you begin to be supported in living with a disease such as COPD.

Think about all the people around you who can help.

Formal help. Ask yourself who would or could help you if you have a problem because of your COPD? This includes services run by the NHS, Local Authority, voluntary organisations and other independent support groups.

Informal help. Ask yourself who you would ask for help?  Who would you go to if you feel you need cheered up or someone to go out with you for a coffee? This includes the large variety of support around us – family, friends and within our communities.
Road to self management diagram

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Left hand side signs – “formalised support” Right hand side signs – “informal support”
  • GP
  • Specialist nurse
  • Pulmonary rehab service
  • Medication
  • Dietician
  • Money/debt advice
  • Health Information material
  • Stop smoking services
  • Friends and family
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Walking group
  • Faith groups
  • Pets
  • Neighbours
  • Internet based support and information
  • Community groups