Tips for daily living

5) Dressing

Easy reacher being used to put on shoe

Photo provided with permission from Nottingham rehab

Easy reacher, shown being used to pick up mail

Photo provided with permission from Nottingham rehab

  • Put all the clothes you need together before you start. You could do this the day before or at a time when you have more energy.
  • Choose clothes which are easier to put on. Stretch fabrics, loose fitting with few fastenings are often best. Polo type shirts are very easy. Slip on shoes, loose fitting socks. Avoid heavy or bulky clothes.
  • If you feel hot some times in the day and cold at others, try layers of clothes which can be added or taken off easily.
  • Sit down to dress. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor or your chair may be too low or too high. Take care when bending as this can make breathing more difficult. If you can, sit upright and cross your leg so you don’t have to bend down so far to your feet.
  • Rest in between putting on each item of clothing.
  • There are some pieces of equipment which may help. Easy reacher to pick up items without bending, or a long shoe horn. There are also sock aids available.
  • Watch out for breath holding – try not to hold your breath when are doing any task which involves a lot of effort. If you notice yourself breath holding, sit back, rest and try your breathing or relaxation exercises.