Healthcare teams

1) Healthcare team

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Primary care team


  • Medical history.
  • Listen to your lungs.
  • Refer for X-ray.
  • Refer for Simple breathing tests with the Practice Nurse or Healthcare assistant or Clinical Physiology GP Spirometry service if available.
  • Prescribe medication – inhalers as appropriate.
  • Communicate with Respiratory Consultant in the hospital.

Practice nurse

  • General observations.
  • Perform simple peak flow and/or Spirometry test. (link to previous Spirometry Test section)
  • Reversibility study, if appropriate. (link back to previous sections)
  • Inhaler technique if appropriate. (link to inhaler film clips)
  • Prescribe some medications

Hospital respiratory care team

Respiratory consultant

  • Medical history.
  • Listen to your lungs.
  • Review of X-ray, possible repeat.
  • Refer for further CT, MRI as appropriate.
  • Review Spirometry, possible repeat.
  • Refer of full breathing tests.
  • Refer for Specialised breathing test.(link to exercise induced asthma/challenge test)

Respiratory specialist nurse

  • General Observations.
  • Perform simple peak flow and/or Spirometry test. (link to previous Spirometry Test section)
  • Reversibility study, if appropriate. (link back to previous sections)
  • Review medication and prescribe some medications.
  • Inhaler technique if appropriate.
  • Refer for full breathing tests.
  • Educate you about asthma
  • Issue you with a peak flow meter and diary and give an asthma action plan
  • They may also take history and listen to lungs if they are trained to do so

Specialist pharmacist

  • Advice and review current medication.
  • Advice and dispense medication.
  • Advice about inhaler technique.
  • Explain what your medication is for and any side effects.

Clinical physiologist

  • Assess full lung function.
  • Assess effectiveness of inhaled treatment.
  • Assess hypersensitivity using challenge tests. (link to Challenge test section)
  • Report findings to Respiratory Consultant.

Respiratory physiotherapist

  • Advice on asthma and exercise.
  • Specialist advice and treatment for dysfunctional breathing such as hyperventilation. How to relax and retrain your breathing.
  • Advice to manage your cough and sputum.

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    Q3. Would you recommend the My Lungs My Life site to others?

    Q4. Do you have Asthma?

    Q5. Are you a healthcare professional?

    Q6. How would you rate this section? (1 = poor, 5 = excellent)