Tag Archives: Respiratory Physiotherapist

Breathing techniques to help asthma control

In addition to your inhalers and medication, breathing techniques are recommended for people with asthma. For more information please see: SIGN guideline 153: British guideline on the management of asthma. These breathing techniques should be taught by a respiratory physiotherapist or in some places a specialist respiratory nurse. You may need a series of appointments […]


Not all teenagers with asthma will be anxious about their condition. However the years of adolescence can be associated with an increased risk of anxiety and sometimes panic attacks. Abnormal or dysfunctional breathing can occur (link to section on breathlessness ) Specialist respiratory physiotherapy can help.  Occasionally children are referred to a specialist respiratory physiotherapist who […]

Other Airways Clearance Techniques

Other Airway Clearance Technique and devices can be tried to help you to clear your sputum. To get the best from these you should speak to a respiratory physiotherapist. Other techniques that a respiratory physiotherapist may use with you are: Autogenic Drainage (AD). Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP). Oscillatory Positive Expiratory Pressure. You can find out […]

Active Cycle of Breathing Technique (ACBT)

The main Airway Clearance Technique used in COPD is the Active Cycle of Breathing Technique (ACBT). ACBT is easy to learn. It can be adapted to your needs. You don’t need any equipment or assistance so can be done anywhere at any time. It is usually the first Airway Clearance Technique of choice for people […]

Breathing control exercises and plan

All of the breathing control exercises are different depending on which type of altered breathing pattern is identified. Each child needs an individualised assessment and breathing control treatment plan. This is just an example of a personal breathing control plan. Each person is different. You can ask your respiratory team if a breathing control plan […]

Recognising breathlessness

The challenge is for the condition to be recognised. Your child should be referred for expert assessment and management. This is usually done by a paediatric respiratory physiotherapist. They will carefully explain the terms used and work out a plan with you and your child based on individualised breathing control exercises.

The respiratory team roles

These are some of the respiratory team members that you may meet. However, not all teams will have access to the same members, this will depend on where you live.