Smoking and risky behaviour

2) Anxiety

A person sitting on a park bench with her head in her hands. Expression of despair. Mental health and state of mind.

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Not all teenagers with asthma will be anxious about their condition. However the years of adolescence can be associated with an increased risk of anxiety and sometimes panic attacks.

Abnormal or dysfunctional breathing can occur (link to section on breathlessness ) Specialist respiratory physiotherapy can help.  Occasionally children are referred to a specialist respiratory physiotherapist who can help with abnormal or dysfunctional breathing if this has been identified as a problem .

Teenagers may be asked by the respiratory professional to complete a questionnaire to help the asthma team to identify those who may be at risk of anxiety.

If you are worried your child is struggling to cope or they are particularly anxious, speak to your health care professional as there is help available. Psychology input can be helpful for some children.