Tag Archives: Chest clearance

Relaxation and asthma

Relaxation can help if you also use breathing techniques and chest clearance methods. Like any new skill, you will need to practice relaxation. The more you practice the easier it becomes. One of the main methods is used to recognise the tension in your muscles and learn how to release it by using small movements […]

Breathing techniques to help asthma control

In addition to your inhalers and medication, breathing techniques are recommended for people with asthma. For more information please see: SIGN guideline 153: British guideline on the management of asthma. These breathing techniques should be taught by a respiratory physiotherapist or in some places a specialist respiratory nurse. You may need a series of appointments […]

Things you can change to make work easier

If you are having physical difficulty coping with your job because of your asthma, you may be offered a referral to a specialist respiratory physiotherapist for breathing control techniques or chest clearance. There may be things which you can change to make work easier. If your work involves a lot of talking, try to take […]

Work and your fitness

A good place to start is to check with your GP and make sure you fully understand your COPD, your medications and how to stay as well as you can. This includes getting your flu vaccination, attending follow up appointments and so on. Discuss your work with your GP. How much physical effort you need, […]

Information and education sessions

Information and education topics are tailored to the needs of the group. Topics that the information sessions may cover are: How the lungs work. How to live well with your lung problem. How to manage a flare-up or exacerbation. How to clear your chest. Medicines and inhalers. Help to stop smoking. How to control your […]

Amber – what to do

These changes may mean that you are developing an infection or exacerbation. You should increase use of your short acting inhaler, usually a blue inhaler. Rest while you can. Use your breathing techniques. Use your chest clearance exercises. Drink plenty of fluids, don’t get dehydrated. Eat small amounts often. Keep monitoring how you feel in […]

Do’s and Don’ts

Do’s DON’Ts DO be sure to carry any sprays or inhalers with you when you exercise as advised by your health care professional. DO always warm up. Begin with some gentle movements to warm up your muscle and prepare your body for exercise. DO work at your own level. Here are some symptoms you will […]


Many people with COPD find they feel at their worst first thing in the morning. This is part of the disease pattern. You may not have slept well, you may be bothered by secretions / phlegm. You may feel your muscles are stiff or sore until you get moving again. Chest clearance exercises will help […]