Tag Archives: Flu vaccination

Work and your fitness

A good place to start is to check with your GP and make sure you fully understand your asthma, your medications and how to stay as well as you can. This includes getting your flu vaccination, asthma action plan and attending follow up appointments. Discuss your work with your GP. How much physical effort you […]

Work and your fitness

A good place to start is to check with your GP and make sure you fully understand your COPD, your medications and how to stay as well as you can. This includes getting your flu vaccination, attending follow up appointments and so on. Discuss your work with your GP. How much physical effort you need, […]

Other medicines

If you have allergies such as hay fever there are some antihistamines which are suitable for asthma and pregnancy – speak to your doctor about this. During pregnancy indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux are common (when stomach acid is pushed up in to your throat, irritating your airways and feeding tube or oesophagus) This acid […]

Flu Vaccinations

All children should have vaccinations for a variety of childhood illnesses at different ages. For example measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) Diphtheria, tetanus, polio, meningitis and whooping cough. It is important that children with asthma have their flu vaccination. The advantages of getting your child vaccinated against flu include – Less time off school for […]

Asthma and the recommended vaccinations

Exacerbations of asthma are mainly caused by respiratory viruses and bacteria which lead to increased inflammation and chest infections. The two vaccinations recommended for patients with asthma are: Influenza (flu) vaccine (all people with asthma every year). Pneumococcal vaccine (recommended for people with severe asthma and for anyone with asthma over the age of 65 […]

Vaccines for patients with COPD

Exacerbations or flare ups of COPD are mainly caused by respiratory viruses and bacteria which lead to increased inflammation and chest infections. The two vaccinations recommended for patients with COPD are: Influenza (flu) vaccine. Pneumococcal vaccine. Research has shown that vaccination can reduce the number of exacerbations of the disease and reduce hospital admissions.