Tag Archives: Physiotherapist

Things you can change to make work easier

If you are having physical difficulty coping with your job because of your asthma, you may be offered a referral to a specialist respiratory physiotherapist for breathing control techniques or chest clearance. There may be things which you can change to make work easier. If your work involves a lot of talking, try to take […]

Work and your fitness

A good place to start is to check with your GP and make sure you fully understand your COPD, your medications and how to stay as well as you can. This includes getting your flu vaccination, attending follow up appointments and so on. Discuss your work with your GP. How much physical effort you need, […]

I don’t think I’m fit enough?

Please don’t worry! Pulmonary Rehabilitation can be adapted to suit almost anyone. It is especially useful if you have recently had an exacerbation or flare up and you are recovering. One of the main aims of pulmonary rehabilitation is to teach you how to manage your breathlessness and be active. Before you start the class, […]

Who will be there

Every programme is organised and coordinated by a healthcare professional. This will usually be a nurse or a physiotherapist. These will be the core staff who will be at all your pulmonary rehabilitation sessions. Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes vary, and may also involve other health care professionals for the education sessions.


Many people with COPD find they feel at their worst first thing in the morning. This is part of the disease pattern. You may not have slept well, you may be bothered by secretions / phlegm. You may feel your muscles are stiff or sore until you get moving again. Chest clearance exercises will help […]

Preparing to leave Hospital

You may find that you have lost some strength and fitness while in hospital. Your recovery at home may take some time. You may be offered help to stop smoking. A variety of help is available. Perhaps you were finding it difficult coping with all your daily chores before you came into hospital? An assessment […]