Tag Archives: Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Work and your fitness

A good place to start is to check with your GP and make sure you fully understand your COPD, your medications and how to stay as well as you can. This includes getting your flu vaccination, attending follow up appointments and so on. Discuss your work with your GP. How much physical effort you need, […]

How can I join a pulmonary rehabilitation course?

Most health care professionals can refer you to pulmonary rehabilitation so make sure you ask them about it if you think this could help you. If you have an MRC score of 3 or above you can benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation (see below). Do not go to the gym until after you have been to […]

Information and education sessions

Information and education topics are tailored to the needs of the group. Topics that the information sessions may cover are: How the lungs work. How to live well with your lung problem. How to manage a flare-up or exacerbation. How to clear your chest. Medicines and inhalers. Help to stop smoking. How to control your […]

I don’t think I’m fit enough?

Please don’t worry! Pulmonary Rehabilitation can be adapted to suit almost anyone. It is especially useful if you have recently had an exacerbation or flare up and you are recovering. One of the main aims of pulmonary rehabilitation is to teach you how to manage your breathlessness and be active. Before you start the class, […]

What will the exercise sessions be like?

There will be a warm up with stretches. A gentle exercise session will strengthen your muscles. This will improve fitness and will help you to do more before feeling breathless. You will feel less worried by your breathlessness. A circuit of exercises at your own pace. A cool down with stretches. Exercises in the circuit […]