Pulmonary rehabilitation

11) Information and education sessions

Information and education topics are tailored to the needs of the group.
Topics that the information sessions may cover are:

  • How the lungs work.
  • How to live well with your lung problem.
  • How to manage a flare-up or exacerbation.
  • How to clear your chest.
  • Medicines and inhalers.
  • Help to stop smoking.
  • How to control your breathing.
  • The benefits of exercise.
  • Exercise after Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
  • Advice about your diet.
  • Pacing yourself.
  • Managing anxiety.
  • Relaxation.
  • Relationships and sex.
  • Sources of ongoing support.
  • State benefits available to you.
  • Planning for the future.

Self management tip

You will be able to ask any questions during these sessions to help you to manage your COPD better.
There is often time to share experiences and advice with other members of the group. It is also a great way to meet people with COPD who understand what it is like.  This is great for social contacts and support.