Tag Archives: Asthma Action Plan

Checks before you start exercise or activity

Check with your GP or asthma nurse for any limits or precautions you should be aware of before you exercise. It is  important to seek medical advice prior to starting any new sports/gym activities.  If your asthma is well controlled there should be no reason why you can’t exercise or be more active. If you have […]

Work and your fitness

A good place to start is to check with your GP and make sure you fully understand your asthma, your medications and how to stay as well as you can. This includes getting your flu vaccination, asthma action plan and attending follow up appointments. Discuss your work with your GP. How much physical effort you […]

More strenuous exercise

As your child improves their level of fitness they may be ready to think about other more strenuous exercises. Suggestions for increased exercise: Running – try joining an after school or an athletics group or find a friend who can run with them. Circuit training. Swimming or Aquarobics. Tennis or Badminton. Hill walking or Duke […]

Checks before your child starts to exercise

Check with your GP or asthma nurse for any limits or precautions you should be aware of before your child starts to exercise. If their asthma is well controlled there should be no reason why they can’t exercise. If they have had exercise induced asthma in the past, they may be reluctant to try exercise […]


As your child gets older they should be able to gradually, over time, take control and responsibility for their asthma including medication. What can you do if you think your child is not taking their asthma medication? Is there any particular reason why your teenager is not taking the medication? Talk to them about this. […]