Exercise and sport for children with asthma

4) During exercise

© Crown copyright 2010

© Crown copyright 2010

It is normal for your child to:

  • Breathe harder and faster but they should recover at rest.
  • Their heart rate will increase.
  • They will feel hot and sweaty.
  • They will look flushed and pink.

They must stop if:

  • They start to cough or wheeze.
  • They gasp for air and don’t recover at rest.
  • They say their chest feels tight.
  • They cannot talk or speak to you or someone near by.
  • They have chest or stomach pain.

Make sure you child knows they should not sit on their own. They should make sure someone responsible knows where they are and stays with them until they recover.

They should use their inhalers as instructed on their asthma plan and tell someone they need help. Make sure your child knows the signs of normal breathlessness during exercise and these warning signs so they understand when they should stop.