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As your child gets older they should be able to gradually, over time, take control and responsibility for their asthma including medication.
What can you do if you think your child is not taking their asthma medication?
- Is there any particular reason why your teenager is not taking the medication? Talk to them about this. There could be a simple explanation.
- Do they understand their medicines and what they are for?
- Do they know how to take them correctly?
- Does your child think their medicine is not effective or that they no longer need to take it? Your child also needs to be aware of the consequences of not taking their medication. Your GP, practice nurse or pharmacist can help to explain this.
- Are they embarrassed to take inhalers in front of their friends?
- Are they being bullied?
Teenagers can’t manage their asthma without their parents right away, it takes time.
- Parents can’t make their teenager take medication into their body.
- Asthma management needs a team approach. Good asthma control is not hard to achieve, but everyone needs to work together, teenagers, parents and your asthma team.
- Knowing and understanding what the rest of your asthma team is doing is vital.
- A personal asthma plan may help your child to understand and work out their priorities.
Self management
- Example of an asthma plan:
- Teenage asthma plan (NHS Scotland 2012) [.pdf, 199 KB]