Healthy eating (Asthma)

6) Tips if you are breathless at mealtimes

If you are suffering from shortness of breath you may wish to consider the following:

  • Clear airways one hour before eating.
  • Take your inhaler before you eat.
  • Eat while sitting up to ease the pressure on your lungsĀ and help them expand more easily.
  • Eat more slowly.
  • Finger foods can be a good alternative if low in salt, sugar and fat.
  • Take small bites and chew your food slowly.
  • Breathing deeply while chewing.
  • Try putting your cutlery down between bites.
  • Choose foods that are easy to eat.
  • Try eating five or six small but healthy meals a day instead of three large meals. Take care you are not putting on weight.
  • Try drinking liquids at end of meal.