Teenagers and transition to adult asthma care

11) When does transition end?

Asthma review

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    Transition ends when your child:

  • Knows and understands all about their asthma and triggers.
  • Knows and understands all about their treatments.
  • Knows and understands when their asthma is getting worse.
  • Thinks they are ready to go to clinic on their own.
  • When they can manage their own asthma.
  • When their asthma care is the responsibility of the adult asthma team.
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    Q2. Would you use the My Lungs My life site again?

    Q3. Would you recommend the My Lungs My Life site to others?

    Q4. Does your child have Asthma?

    Q5. Are you a healthcare professional?

    Q6. How would you rate this section? (1 = poor, 5 = excellent)