Warning signs of an asthma attack

15) Avoidable factors

Examples of asthma plans

Examples of asthma plans

Recent research shows that most people who died of an asthma attack had an “avoidable factor” identified after their death. Avoidable factors are things you can have some influence over to help minimise the risk of a life threatening asthma attack.

  • Go for review at least once or twice a year – even if your child is well.
  • Remember to give preventer inhalers regularly.
  • Try to stay away from known triggers.
  • Stay alert to any changes in your child’s health.
  • If you are at all unsure about your child’s asthma – get advice from your GP, practice nurse or asthma team.
  • Follow your child’s asthma control plan.

If you think your child is having a flare up of their asthma, give the blue reliever inhaler and have them checked out by a doctor or nurse early so we can stop things getting worse.