Tips for daily living

11) Where to get help

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Pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD patients

If you notice breathlessness affecting how you manage your daily living tasks, or if you would like further information or assistance to discuss any of these issues, please contact your local council social care services for assessment by an Occupational Therapist or Social Worker. Your GP or practice nurse can make a referral to Occupational Therapy for an assessment or order some basic equipment for you. Some areas in Scotland have a self referral for basic items of equipment. Check your council website in the equipment section.

Small items of equipment can be brought by mail order or on line. There are many companies which offer this service. Check and compare prices before you buy.

Some high street shops and larger branches of pharmacies offer small items of equipment.

You can ask your GP or other health care professional about a referral to a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme in your area. Pulmonary Rehabilitation will show you lots of practical ways to cope with daily tasks.

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