Tag Archives: Asthma and school

Practical issues for parents

Take extra precautions to reduce risk from triggers – avoiding sprays, air fresheners, more frequent laundry, vacuuming, avoiding food allergy triggers. Strain on finances – hospital and GP appointments, time off work when your child is ill, extra insurance when you go on holiday. Planning and choices for the family – everyday events may need […]

Asthma triggers in school

There may be common environmental factors or ‘triggers’ that can affect your child’s asthma in school. For example; grass/tree pollens, dust mites, mould spores, exercise, not to mention school with lots of children are a great breeding ground for coughs and colds! It is important to let the school know if you have identified things […]

Physical Education – PE

Exercise is important for keeping healthy and all children should be encouraged to take part in PE, including those with asthma. Exercise is a well known asthma ‘trigger’ however it is not a reason to be refused physical activity altogether. If your child experiences symptoms with exercise they should take their reliever inhaler 10 minutes […]

Role of the school

Children with asthma should be easily identified, for example on the class register. Asthma education for staff members should be offered. An asthma healthcare plan or flowchart should be completed for individual children with asthma. A reliever inhaler and spacer for each child should be easily available for use in an emergency (not in a […]

Children with asthma have the right…

To be educated in a safe and healthy environment. Not to be stigmatised or made to feel different as a result of their condition. To participate in all educational and recreational school activities along with their friends. To have access to their medication. To have access to people trained in managing their condition. To have […]

What can you expect from your school

Each area or council will have a slightly different approach to managing medical conditions such as asthma in school, and legislation, education and health care practices vary between individual schools and areas. Although teachers have no specific duty or legal responsibility in terms of health provision (they are not medically trained) they are required under […]

Asthma and school

Allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema and food allergies are becoming more common and it is thought at least a quarter of school age children are effected. It is estimated there are on average two children in every classroom with asthma. Most teachers and school staff are therefore experienced in dealing with asthma and other […]