Tag Archives: Coping strategies

Other coping strategies

You may already be using strategies which help you cope, or have found you have no choice but to change your daily routines. Other people may have given you suggestions for coping strategies to help you to manage your breathlessness, symptoms and situations. There are many strategies which may be helpful and we would suggest, […]

Emotional change and your illness

Being diagnosed with asthma, managing chest infections, attending clinic appointments, changing life roles, can all be challenging. Dealing with these challenges can trigger emotional change – worry, stress, anxiety, frustration, irritability, low mood being some of the emotions experienced. These emotional changes can subtle or be sudden, and can trigger the anxiety response. Addressing any […]

Other coping strategies

You may already be using strategies which help you cope, or have found you have no choice but to change your daily routines. Other people may have given you suggestions to help you to manage your breathing control, symptoms and situations. There are many strategies which may be helpful and we would suggest, if you […]

Key messages

Remember breathlessness related to anxiety is normal. It is your bodies way of trying to help you in situations which you find difficult or in which you worry about your ability to cope. Explore and understand the triggers for your anxiety. If you find anxiety is becoming a problem which is affecting your day-to-day life. […]