Tag Archives: Healthy eating

Other coping strategies

You may already be using strategies which help you cope, or have found you have no choice but to change your daily routines. Other people may have given you suggestions for coping strategies to help you to manage your breathlessness, symptoms and situations. There are many strategies which may be helpful and we would suggest, […]

Dietician advice

Remember, If you are struggling with your diet you may wish to contact your GP practice to discuss if a referral to a dietician would be beneficial for nutritional supplements or more detailed dietary advice. If you are struggling to eat enough you may also be given nutritional supplement drinks to try. These ready made […]

Seasoning suggestions

When thinking of different ways to start seasoning food, its important not to increase the salt in your diet. Many people have too much salt in their diet. Salt can raise blood pressure and this increases the risk for stroke and heart disease. The recommended daily amount for adults is 6 grammes or less (the equivalent […]

Meal planning and eating

Try to eat nutritious foods. Don’t skip meals (see Dietician’s healthy eating tips), eating regularly helps your energy levels. Planning your meals in advance can help. Consider resting between cooking and eating. Small meals, more often, can be better for you if you are breathless when eating. Sit while eating. Eat slowly and put down […]

Other coping strategies

You may already be using strategies which help you cope, or have found you have no choice but to change your daily routines. Other people may have given you suggestions to help you to manage your breathing control, symptoms and situations. There are many strategies which may be helpful and we would suggest, if you […]